Homemade Country Kitchen Butter

Homemade Country Kitchen Butter

Before we moved, I had never attempted homemade butter. I had no idea how simple and satisfying it was to do! We've been lucky enough to eat out at some wonderfully fancy places over the years and one thing that never fails to impress us are the incredible elevations of homemade butter - everything from brewers yeast to garlics to chilli - the options seem to be endless (and very delicious). Needless to say the motivation was there to mix up the options at home and why not from scratch rather than store bought! 


For this recipe you'll just need a pot of double cream and something to mix with. The flavouring options come later! 


Ingredients (this recipe makes around 220g butter)

  • 600ml double cream - the better the cream, the better the butter. 
  • Optional - preferred flavourings  (for day to day use I tend to just add salt to taste). 

nutritional information for home-made butter


  • A stand mixer with whisk attachment. If this isn't an option then you can use a hand wix or even a jar with a lid. 
  • A sieve



  • Pour the cream into your clean stand mixer bowl. Ensure to use your whisk attachment. 
  • Switch on the mixer to a medium speed and leave it to do it's thing for 7-10minutes. 
  • It will go past the whipped cream stage to a yellow scrambled egg texture. This is normal, trust the process. 
  • You will start to notice the buttermilk separating out from the butter solids shortly before the solids come together. 
  • Once you have something that resembles butter and your buttermilk, use your sieve to drain off the buttermilk (its optional but I like to keep the buttermilk to use in other recipes - I'll add a few to this blog shortly). 
  • Use your hands to squeeze out the butter to separate the last of the buttermilk and then wash your butter under very cold water (ice water is preferrable but I just do this under a very cold tap. 
  • At this stage you can flavour your butter as you like - I often will beat in a generous amount of salt to taste for day to day butter. 
  • Transfer your butter into your chosen butter dish. 
  • This should keep in the fridge for about a week. 

As I find new and tasty flavours to try out I will add them to the blog. Keep an eye out on the socials or sign up to our mailing list to find out when new recipes land! 

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